Lead to Inspire Others on Your Team

Lead to Inspire Others on Your Team

You can ask any successful business one of the keys to a strong and prosperous organization, the answer might surprise you. A product or service the public seeks, location of the business, or the ability to create new customers as needed. All important elements for a solid foundation for any business. However one area which tends to get overlooked in corporate America…Leadership not limited in how a single person leads but as a group.


Leadership is a team effort. Not an individual effort. Although this element is often overlooked, it is one which should be a part of every day operations. It’s not limited to those in management, every department can participate in leadership. It should be part of the culture of any business plan. Once employees discover the empowerment of leading in their work, a successful outcome is likely in daily responsibilities.

team effort

We should keep in mind leaders have also mastered the art of influence. Understanding how to integrate influence in employees is a powerful way to help workers develop their ability to become self directed. But first we must understand who we are and how those around us see us, what is your standard? When people look at you what is your trade mark? Is it clear enough for those around you to understand?


Now it’s time to work with your team, help them understand and develop their own brand. Be patient, listen. Ask questions, help them to expand on their identity. Only assign tasks in alignment with what they clearly communicate to you. This will help move them and the business forward.


You can only lead by example. People sense when they are being told to do a task vs being challenged by one who has been their done that…Respect is given to those who have the courage and confidence to say. This is how it can be done, now you can take the lead. You inspire people to look within and give their best everyday.


Encourage innovation in diverse situations. Always reward good behavior. We sometimes take for granted when extra effort is applied. Take time to complement good work at all levels. Have integrity, don’t point the finger when you make mistakes, take responsibility of your own actions. No one is perfect, you’ll be looked at as a transparent leader. If people see you taking ownership of your mistakes they will do the same.


There’s no I in team. You can’t do it all yourself, but beware of falling in the trap of delegation. When work is delegated we’re in control of the outcome, who is on the other side of the tasks is completing an assignment in accordance with your ideal. Which in theory should work right? Consider reviewing the task at hang ask for their input and let them handle the job, don’t disappear, or on the other hand micro manage, let their individual creative abilities be utilized.


This is a chance for ownership of the process, instead of telling them how to do the work, let them be the leader and resolve the issue. Support is important to a successful out come, keep communication open, in the end they will be inspired to complete the task…Sharing your vision with the people you work with.

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This level of open communication works both ways so encourage you workers to be open and honest. Great leaders are also great communicators. Be passionate and enthusiastic about your work. People love to be around someone who is full of energy and excited about their work. Successful leaders understand the value of inspiring and encouraging instead of demanding and dictating. Once you develop a team of leaders who are self thinkers as well as self directed workers…Your business is on it’s way to a very long and successful path.

Always encourage your team

You’ll be glad you did

~Stay Strong~


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