Is Personal Growth Addictive ?

Is Personal Growth Addictive ?

It has been said, if you’re not growing you’re dying.


As we continue on this journey called life, our soul longs for growth, some people never expose their full potential, which is why we are here…To discover that unique part of us that makes us whole for which we were created. This doesn’t require massive change-most of us already integrate it into our daily routines.why-routine-is-important-849x560

Think about how you integrate growth in your life.
This can be as simple as the following:

Do you read books, go to lectures, listen to inspirational speeches, learn a new language or, put yourself in a position to grow and expand on you’re skills? No matter which one you choose, with daily action you will begin to

Deep inside us all there is a desire to embrace our destiny. The more we begin to grow the more we desire to uncover the mystery of our existence, we therefore become addicted to personal growth. For some people this can lead to a fearful experience into the unknown. Your faith in yourself is the key to unlocking your potential, you must never give up no matter what, you have greatness within you.
A mountain climber was on a steep mountain side, he had been hiking for days and became tired and weak, just as he was settling down for the night to rest, he slipped down the mountain and began to grasp anything in his sight to stop tumbling down the mountain, just as he was going over the edge to below, he felt a branch at his hand, with all his might he held the branch. Now as his feet where were dangling over the valley below, not being the praying type he began to look up at the sky and pray: Oh God, please help me please save me from this awful fate! A very deep voice said: “Let go my son and I will save you”. After a while the mountain climber thought to himself and replied:

Is there anyone else up there I could talk to today?

If we are to grow we must have faith!


Why is it we hold onto what we don’t want but expect things to change?

To become addicted to growth we must first let go…let our authentic self become part of you. Don’t worry what people think it’s not their life it’s yours.

With daily repetition you will master this skill. The more you give the more you get…No pain no gain…

Decide to make growth part of your life, form a new habit. With growth there is progress which helps you to gain confidence. Do the uncomfortable until it becomes comfortable…Keep challenging yourself…

The best investment you can make is in yourself.

~Stay Strong~

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