If Time Were Money How Would You Spend It?

If Time Were Money How Would You Spend It?

If time were money how would you spend it? A question we must ask ourselves as each day goes by. Time, one of those precious gifts life offers us yet for some tends to be taken for granted. Tomorrow morning you woke up a super hero, you might use your powers to stop time…Right? One more day…One more hour…One more minute…One more second. However if there was a way to save time would we use it more efficiently? Or would we fall into the same habits of wasting time?


Have you ever thought about the different ways we all tend to not use our time efficiently? Television…Oh my one of my mentors use to call that the automatic income reducer, so true, don’t get me wrong I do like to sit down and watch a movie from time to time, the issue becomes when the TV consumes your life. Come home sit down turn it on relax for a minute right? An hour later we’re still sitting there just relaxing.

USA, New Jersey, Jersey City, Man watching tv at home

After supper, or some eat supper in front of the TV, a favorite show is on next thing you know it’s time for bed…Where did the night go? Sound familiar? Time is something we never get back, There’s no way to reverse wasted moments, only way to control wasting time is to realize there is an issue. Bad habits form when there’s not a goal at hand, the next mountain to climb or to expand ourselves and create progress in life. We kick back and become a little bit complacent.


Not everyone wastes time, but when we look at how time is spent each day in our daily lives it’s a humbling experience. Some would say “you need time management skills” Truth is we can’t manage time we can only manage ourselves which means we must look at what we do each day and evaluate where the most time is spent. If Television is where the most time is spent, cut back 10 % in a year that could add up to 100 hours of extra time for the average person which could be used perusing goals!


Imaging what could be done with an extra 100 hours? How about if it was increased to 15 % I think you get the picture. Running out for “a few things” is another way most people waste time. Ever go to a store just to look around? Only to look up and two hours has gone by? Yikes…We’ve all been there! Another challenge is when a friend or family member asks for your help…Next thing the day’s gone…And we’ve got hardly anything accomplished. There’s a little voice inside saying I can’t help you today. Yea like we would say that right? Yes, that’s exactly what we need to do from time to time.

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People mean well, but not to when your time is involved. There expectation exceeds the level of what your ready to commit to which only makes us feel we’re being taken advantage of. Before you say yes think about what they are asking you to do, I’m the first to help anyone, however we must balance between our own needs and the needs of others. We must first help ourselves before we can help other people.


Remember the last time you were on an airplane and the stewardess explains how to use the oxygen mask if the plane looses cabin pressure? Do they say to put the mask on your friend or loved one first? First person who gets the mask is you, in order for you to help other people who might need help you must put your mask on first.


No different in life, we must always be at our best first, before we can lead others. Keep an eye out how time is spent each day. If you do you’ll be surprised how much time you do have!

~Stay Strong~


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