How To Make Progress In Life

How To Make Progress In Life

Are you satisfied with life? Does your current position make you happy? If the answer is no you might consider a few changes towards a better life. How to make progress in life can be as simple as looking at your current place from a different perspective, if your motive is not your own any change will not matter. Most people would state more money will make them happy, although having enough money is important to living a comfortable life, it in it’s self is not enough. Finding your true purpose in life is what will bring you the most happiness.

The challenge is finding what our purpose is? Where do we begin? Truth is there is no right answer, we just need to get started, along the way we’ll discover what that is…Motive does matter, when following our passion it’s much easier to make progress unlike when working toward something we care little about, progress becomes a chore and unfulfilling making any progress a challenge.

First you must determine what is most important in your life, don’t rush into it, take time, find a quiet place where you can be alone with your thoughts, shut off all distractions like the phone, computer, t v, radio, think what if you had enough money and didn’t have to work what would you do? External forces will be eliminated when you develop the ability to listen to what it is you do want.

Be happy with where you are in life, sometimes we can feel bad about our past decisions which can drain us of our ability to make progress. I was at the gym this week working out when I heard a woman talking to her friend telling her she was unable to loose weight because she was that way her whole life, no matter what she does the weight just seems to stay the same. In privateĀ  she was already defeating herself by her negative self talk. At first I didn’t see which exercises she was doing but after a while I noticed she was not following any sort of routine. In order to make progress we must follow the advice of our doctor.

We must follow our doctors recommendations for physical activity, and seek help from someone qualified to set up a program for fitness. Like anything in life if we put little effort forward our progress will not be very good. Finding the right person to assist can be a challenge however when your being encouraged to do your best you’ll have a much greater chance of success then doing it by yourself.

Be aware of your circle of influence, most people mean well, they are looking out for your best interests at heart however often times this can hold you back. Like the woman in the gym be aware of people you spend the most time with, if you have a desire for a better situation and they discourage you consider a change. Progress is only achieved when the decision to move forward is made. Sometimes we need to find those who have achieved a similar goal and mirror what they do.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. It’s best to stay focused on the task at hand, take time to look back how far you have come. When we look at how far we’ve come how far we need to go becomes easier. We can see the goal post in view which fuels our sense of accomplishment. There are many challenges we face whenever we decide to change anything in life.

No matter what your goal is know you can achieve it. Each day take a step, before long you’ll be there!!

~Stay Strong~


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