How to Build Rapport

How to Build Rapport

If you are in sales one of the harder aspects of selling is to ask for the sale, yet is one of the most overlooked part of sales. Most sales happen after asking more than one time, some studies have suggested 80 percent of sales happen when the prospect is asked more than one time! Which is why most people don’t achieve the results they desire, get discouraged and quit.


Did you know, if you are not involved in a sales job you still sell every day??








Remember when you were younger and wanted to sleep over a friends house?


You pulled out all the stops…But mom all my friends are sleeping over! Both parents will be home…We’ll go to bed early…I promise to come right home in the morning!

         Seems like yesterday. Right ??

Building rapport is a key element in sales as well as in every day life.


Sometimes we miss out on opportunities, it could be a sale if you sell for a living, could be earning a persons trust, or a job promotion. If you and I are going to live the life we desire we must learn to build rapport with the people within our lives. Why is that important?


Building rapport can provide you with many opportunities. Think about it, there are unlimited ways you can apply rapport in your every day life. Friends, family, co-workers, and someone we don’t know. When rapport is established you are in control!! People love when someone listens to what they have to say. When was the last time you were talking and the other person was interested in what you were talking about? How did that make you feel ? Didn’t your level of trust increase?


Truth is when you meet someone for the first time or perhaps a friend from school you haven’t seen for a number of years, one of the first things we do is start telling them about ourselves, which is quite normal but tends to not develop rapport with that person.


People love to talk about themselves, it could be a an event in their life, job promotion, a new relationship, recent vacation, it doesn’t matter, they would like to share it with you…listen…We all have two ears and one mouth so we should listen twice as much as we speak.


Begin your next conversation with asking questions.


A blue button with the words Ask Questions on it

Here are a few suggestions to develop rapport.

How do you feel today?

How is your job going? How many years have you been working there?

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Do you have a family?

As they begin to talk keep the conversation going, when they finish ask another question, and another, don’t interrupt them when they are talking. Be interested (not interesting) in what they say respond with expression and positive energy.


Next week begin by implementing this strategy in your conversations each day.

You will be amazed with the results!

~Stay Strong~

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