How to Awaken The Underdog Within

How to Awaken The Underdog Within

Most people remember the movie Rocky. The move as well as the sequels were huge box office successes.


Starting out with nothing in but the desire to win. With little experience Rocky overcame many challenges to become the heavyweight champion. He had something unique within, he had a big heart, and the persistence required to be successful.


Remember how many times he got hit and how beat up he looked!!


The first time I watched the movie I thought to myself, don’t give up you can do it.

I’ll never forget how I felt when the movie was over, it was like an amazing force touched my heart. I began to think about all the possibilities in my own life. I thought to myself, Rocky had nothing but a burning desire, he didn’t care what other people thought, he just went out there and gave it his all. I can be just like him!


Rocky was a true underdog champion.


Can you remember the last time you had that feeling?

Did you know you are an underdog champion?

Each time we see someone overcoming challenges, the underdog inside each of us awakens. We begin to see ourselves as that person, we don’t think about failure that’s not an option.


So how do we awaken the underdog within?

Truth is the fact you can identify with it, that greatness already exists in you…It’s in our DNA.

3d render of a DNA spirals

Our subconscious mind does not know the difference between a thought or reality. If want to awaken the underdog within, you must first monitor what you are feeding your mind. There is an old saying…Garbage in Garbage out.


Read books written by people who have overcome challenges and became successful.

Watch movies like Rocky, that tell stories of accomplishment.

Listen to inspirational recordings.

You can be the underdog champion. You were made for greatness.

Begin each day thinking about what you would like to invite into your life.

Be like Rocky, and never give up!

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~Stay Strong~


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