Fear and Faith

Fear and Faith

No matter who you talk to these days opinions on our current state of the world varies, some say it’s just evolution while others say people are influenced by society, never the less one thing we can all agree on is we live in very uncertain times. Which leads to a level of fear for most. Turn on any electronic device and you’ll be exposed to information, sometimes good sometimes not so good. Anger, hate, and those who believe their ideal is what will fix what’s wrong with the world today. Distrust is the new norm in the world, we’ve begun to question what’s “real” or “fake news.”


Life is a gift from our creator, it’s our obligation to not focus on negative or destructive thoughts while here on this planet. Spending time letting external challenges rule our lives in nothing less than a waste of time. If you and I are to live a life of freedom we must first let go of thoughts which hold us from moving forward. Dwelling on things we have little to no control over is allowing any personal growth to be limited.


Decide to become a master, one why does not let fear enter your thoughts. When we look at fear it’s nothing more than a thought of what’s to come, worrying about external forces which will control your emotions. It’s those emotions direct energy toward unknown forces limiting our ability to control a better outcome. This only leads to further pain and suffering. No one can control when life decides to through you a curve ball, it hits hard and without warning.


We do have a choice, we can decide to let life’s challenges control us or we can decide to take control of our emotions and step away from the suppression of negative thoughts. Like a ship at sea in a storm, face the wave of uncertainty head on don’t bow down to challenges instead stand up and accept the challenge.


Some of the most successful people have faced unimaginable challenges, this is where the difference between fear and faith are defined. Those who fearful are looking into an uncertain condition as if it were put before them as an obstacle! Yet others look at that same issue as a gift! What’s the difference? Both are related to the future but…Faith…Deciding to let go of your emotions and embrace a different view. Both look into the unknown, fear is our imagination without direction, faith is the future directed by our imagination, however both are related to the unknown, yet faith is a powerful force in which we sculpt a clear picture of a desired outcome.


As we go through life habits are developed some good some not so good. Facing the uncertainty of the future is without question a challenge, what’s great about that is we do have a choice, we can decide fear or faith…Keep in mind what you focus on begins to manifest, if lack and that which you don’t have dominate your thought pattern then you’ll find more of same. If focus is on serving the greater good not just for yourself, the mind will fill up with gratitude as well as what you do have… Not what you don’t have.


Start today, begin a new thought pattern one where faith dominates and fear diminishes, begin to be the gate keeper of which thoughts are allowed to enter into your mind. Decide to take control of those emotions, like the ship at sea, face the storm head on, never let anyone take the wind out of your sails. When you take back the power within, you’ll begin to improve in all areas of life.

Once you learn how to become a master of your emotions.

Your life as well as the life of others will improve.

Never stop making a difference.

~Stay Strong~


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