Emotions: Defeat or Define You

Emotions: Defeat or Define You

Throughout the cycle of life at some point we all need help with coping, it could be the loss of a loved one, break up with a spouse, loss of a job or just dealing with life in general. Today life is a challenge, changing work force as well as the pressure of performance within most businesses today. We all attach a meaning to events which we direct an emotional response to. No matter who you are we all experience issues at some point, which leads to stressful situations, anger and even depression however what it means to each one of us is different.

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You could be angry if your relationship with your partner ended with out explanation, a loss of a career due to a changing economy or just an unexpected change in the lifestyle you live. Bad things just sometimes happen without warning, the challenge is what do we do when life’s storms hit. Our reaction leaves us with a feeling, it’s that feeling we label with a certain event.


We must ask ourselves how events influence our life, do unforeseen events defeat us or define us? Challenges will always appear in life, yet for most people those challenges will overwhelm and hold them back from living life to their potential. It’s said when you change the way you look at things the things you look at change!

Clear Vision

Your story is yet to be written. Some would say life is not fair, while others would say how luck they are to be alive!


A few weeks ago I met a couple of friends I knew in high school, one named Bob the other named Doug, both wonderful people we all had similar families, our fathers were hard workers at jobs with a 9-5 work day, while our mothers stayed home to take care of us before school and to be there when we got off the bus in the afternoon. Life was good for us, we would play sports, ride bikes (my favorite) and enjoy time just “hanging out.” Over the years we lost touch with each other until a few weeks ago.


Bob was working at the same job he’d got not long after high school, I asked him how he liked his company, he replied: Steve I enjoy my work and look forward to the changes in our current economy it keeps me on my toe’s and from getting board, yea know what I mean?


On the other hand Doug has changed jobs several times along with his career path, he was frustrated with the economy and thought it is harder to earn a living today as compared to when we were in high school. Although I didn’t disagree with statement in regards to the challenges in today’s world however I’d thought it was interesting how two people of similar childhoods could have such a different out look in life.


Here are two people who gave their lives different meaning, what they told themselves in private is what they received in real life. Somewhere along the line Doug got discouraged he let challenges become his story, yet Bob had challenges along the way but chose a different story, instead of letting life keep him down he made a decision to keep moving forward.


Each day we make decisions, what to focus on and what it means. Like an assignment in school we get to choose which meaning we want, no one can choose for us we create the meaning. We can change what to focus on, life is a combination of decisions. No one can tell you what you can do or can’t do, in the end you will decide what you want. The life you seek is waiting for you, abundance and fulfillment is there for you with your next decision you make. So decide to not allow the storms of life to keep you from living a life of excellence.


This week take note, external events don’t shape your life you do, your time to be free is today, you were created to be first class by first class and deserve nothing less. When unexplained events enter into your life look for ways for them to empower you to move to your higher self!

~Stay Strong~


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