Dress For Success

Dress For Success

In any business first impressions are essential in developing a good working relationship. From the first step you take entering a room people are forming an opinion of you, they look at you’re overall appearance, they also look to see what type of person you might be, honest, trustworthy, competent, sincere, all can be established within the first few minutes of your presence.

Body language is noticed during this time, if you are confident in your approach your more likely to gain their attention. If your body language is not steady, you appear nervous and unsettled people are less likely to give you the time you need. Actions speak louder than words, even the slightest amount of change in body language is going to have some sort of impact in your first impression. Words do have meaning however body language has a bigger impact in your presence.

This applies to business as well as first impressions during a job interview. We’ve all heard that old saying “dress for success” seems like one of the most overused phrases out there, yet one which often times gets over looked. Along with first impressions in body language how you dress is essential in the development of your status as a professional in your field to your potential employer. When preparing for an interview select proper attire as it pertains to the position you seek. Proper dress man not get you the job but will give you the edge you need.

If your not sure how to dress on resource can be to simply call human resources and ask. I am of the opinion dressing casual is always one way to start, overdressing or under dressing can give your employer a sense you many not understand what they are looking for, if employment in a small company is what your seeking and there is not a human resource department available you can always look at what the people in the position you are seeking are wearing, this will give you an idea as to what to wear.

Before you sit down with your potential employer, take note of your overall appearance, is your hair neat, if wearing one is your tie straight, minimal perfume or cologne, clean teeth, no gum or candy in your mouth, just a few things to be aware of before that first meeting. Some people just don’t interview well and become nervous during conversation, so your visual appearance can help you get an edge. Never be late, leave early be ready, you can always hang out in your car and be waiting instead of rushing just in time, you are more likely to be not prepared and look scattered. Employers today are looking for the best so be the best.

When it is time to meet your new employer always begin with a firm hand shake, this sets the tone of the meeting, make eye contact never look at the ground, looking people in the eye gives a sense of confidence. This is essential during conversation always look at the person you are talking to, if they are speaking look them in the eye, look interested and care about what is being said. They will appreciate you more for having an interest in what they are explaining to you.

When your asked to sit down sit up straight, don’t slouch look professional. Slouching can appear you may lack confidence. Face the person you are speaking to if there is more than one person there turn and direct your conversation to them while keeping your shoulders square to them.

Keep your hands calm, constant movement is distracting to people and sends the message you might be not interested in the conversation. Interviewing for a new position is always a challenge and can always be better, dressing for success is not limited to just what you wear. Spend the time preparing.

You’ll be glad you did!

~Stay Strong~


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