7 Simple Steps To Live To 100

7 Simple Steps To Live To 100

We live in an amazing time in history, life expectancy is much longer than just a decade ago. People are living beyond what could even be imagined when I was a boy. Both male and female’s have been adding on years onto the end of life. Modern medicine is simply limitless, breakthroughs in food we eat which can link to certain types of cancer have now been identified and allow us to be much more selective with what we choose to include in our diets.


Although technology has come along way, in reality, most of living to 100 is beyond our control as living to 100 can partially dictated by genetics as well as past medical history and health habits of parents and grand parents however there a handful of life-enhancing practices you can incorporate to increase the odds of a longer and healthier life. Where you live can also impact longevity, but for most of us relocating to another part of the world is not practical.


My aunts mother lived to 103 years old, up to her last days she was as alert as you and I, knew all what was going on in the world, keep track of the Red Sox (she’d always discuss what happen in the last game) most of all reading was one of her favorite past times along with crossword puzzles. When I’d asked why she was so fond of these things her reply was” I need to keep my brain sharp” and that’s for sure, no one could put anything past her!


Looking back at her habits it was clear her story and those who live many years beyond what people would expect was the same. That’s not to say she had all the same habits, only a few which stood out to me as I look back:

  1. Don’t take life so seriously, no question life can hit you when you least expect it, take a breath, don’t dwell on that which you can’t control. When you step back and look at an issue it tends to take a different shape. It’s been said when you change the way you look at things the things you look at change.
  2. Have a sense of humor. Laughter is an emotion which fills the body with joy. Most people today get so caught up in the daily treadmill in life they forget to have fun and enjoy the gift we’ve been given. Laughter can reduce stress and help reduce blood pressure.
  3. Your current age doesn’t matter. Whether your young or old don’t act your age. You’re never too old to engage in new activities. Be open for new adventures that will help keep you youthful.
  4. Keep stress levels in check. We all need to be reminded to live and don’t sweat the small stuff. Adopt a hobby (like my aunt’s mother did with her crossword puzzles) or sit quietly and gather your thoughts, research reveals meditation may increase activity of enzymes and Telomeres which are linked to aging.
  5. Eat the right foods, we all know how important a balanced diet yet the food we choose may not always be a healthy choice. If you and I are to live to 100 we must keep our calories down, eat from the major food groups, limit saturated fats, one of my mentors always stated, eat greens, which means incorporate something green with every meal.
  6. Sleep, today most people are sleeping less and less, there is a link between proper rest and health. Studies would suggest sleeping 6-7 hours a night helps the body to keep healthy and strong.
  7. Exercise, goes without saying, we all need a small amount of exercise each day to keep our bodies moving as well as rejuvenate and promote circulation. This can be as simple as going for a walk at lunch time, or before supper at night.

These are only a few examples to help increase our life span, there are many more ways to increase life and quality at the same time. We are in the most exciting time frame in our existence, opportunities for a more robust life are now at out fingertips. Take advantage of what the world has to offer you.

Life is a gift from our creator

Make it an amazing one

~Stay Strong~


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