5 Simple Steps to Get More Done

5 Simple Steps to Get More Done

Do you find yourself stressed or overwhelmed by all those unread emails? Your inbox seems to never be completely empty? Phone calls, text messages, constant social media posts, So much to do every day, the cost of not accomplishing tasks grows with each passing hour…It’s five o’clock…Only a few more things to complete and it’s quitting time? Right ? Next time you look at the clock it’s now six thirty, almost done…one more email, phone call, next thing you know it’s eight o’clock, where did the time go? Sound Familiar ?


This is the new normal today, people working longer hours often times into the night with just under half of those people working one weekend a month. Most don’t take a break at lunchtime, they eat their lunch in front of the computer to “get more done” which is less productive in the long run..However technology is amazing, I am so lucky to have grown up with unlimited resources at my disposal. In one way we are blessed in another we are cursed!

Octopus in Business

Seriously, no matter where we are or where we go we are always “plugged in to the system.” With all this technology like should be simpler more efficient and require less hours…right?


One of the challenges with all of these new developments is there are many more distractions which most people don’t know how to handle or how to manage. The new era where we now live in is uncharted waters, and has lead to some companies working toward policies to limit how much time employees spend on social media and personal business.


But what if there was a way to do more work in less time, you could spend time with family, take a day off, go on vacation, or just hang out enjoying time for yourself. Sound too-good-to-be-true?


Truth is there are some simple steps to help you keep on track through out the day. It does take work, and discipline, however the results are worth it. Keep in mind you get what you give. Your results will be directly linked to the effort you put in.


Here are five simple steps to get more done:

  1. Eliminate Multitasking: Computers, phones, text messages have made our lives much easier as well as given us a way to be more and more distracted during the day, tying to multitask utilizing all those resources can actually slow you down. Instead of doing three or four things at a time take one task at a time, focus on the steps necessary to complete the task in it’s entirety.
  2. Time out: Sometimes to go forward you need to take a step back. Similar to multitasking as it pertains to performance, time out can have an equal effect in terms of positive performance. By taking time every day to slow down and think-it-through, you will develop a sense of clarity for the tasks at hand.
  3. Balance: This is a challenge for some people, keeping work life balance in check while growing in your professional life can leave you feeling like your at the “Burn-Out” stage. This can leave you in a bad position in the future. Even the most extreme workaholics need down time once in a while. Take a few minutes every day and look at how many hours you are currently working. If it’s more than forty, cut back, or ask for some help.
  4. AM or PM: Do you work better in the morning or in the afternoon, knowing when you are more productive is important when you break down each step. If mornings is when you work best, don’t just do keep busy work! Slow down and think about which part of the day is best for you.
  5. Purpose: When work is fun we tend to be happier and more productive. However when there are compelling reasons as to why you want to get the task done, you tap into an emotional drive which keeps you on task and not side-tracked with distractions.

This week write down what you do on a daily basis. Look for tasks that are similar and don’t require you multitask. From there use the five steps above on a daily basis.


If time was money how would you spend it?

Don’t let anyone tell you what to do

You know what’s best

~Stay Strong~


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