A Tail of Two Seas

A Tail of Two Seas

Seems like only yesterday my Geography teacher telling us about the difference between the Dead Sea and the Sea of Galilee. It was one of those stories which we were supposed to listen and pertain it to real life. At least that was what we were supposed to do…Truth is back then most of us had little interest in school, when in class we were more interested in what we were going to do after school that day. I can remember the teacher telling us to pay attention to the “Message.” Like we were smart enough to learn that lesson!!


The dead sea is not really a sea at all in fact it is a lake. The salt content is so high that if you were to go swimming there you would float! It has been said that if you were to lay down you would float with out having to move your arms or legs, the salt content is 35 % which translates to roughly 10 times more than normal ocean water. There is no fish, Vegetation, or any life sources around the lake, which is why it is called the Dead Sea.


With as much adversity as one can imagine, both seas are actually fed by the river of Jordan, however they are quite different from each other. The Sea of Galilee is located just to the north of the Dead Sea, the Sea of Galilee contains, clean water, plenty of fish, as well as many plants.


So how can two bodies of water which are fed from the same source be so different?


The Sea of Galilee is always flowing with a new supply of water by the river of Jordan, water comes in in one end and goes out at the other end-keeping the Sea of Galilee clean and vibrant. The Dead Sea is fed with the same water source, however there is no outlet, it’s location does not allow water to flow out. Water is stagnant, evaporates every day leaving behind a salty, body of water full of minerals which can not support any type of marine life.


In many ways we are all like the Sea of  Galilee, if we allow the flow to keep moving our lives become much more balanced, happier, and have more energy. People around us can see it in your body language. Just as the Sea of Galilee, we can allow things in our lives, we can put out a result in the same manor. (congruent with the flow)


If we always allow the flow to come in and never take they time to let the flow out. life can be, frustrating, and stressful.

Make a decision, do you want live a life of freedom or a life of confusion, worry and frustration.

A different choice would be to utilize a constant flow of positive energy.

This week don’t get in the habit of, just Getting what you want without giving of yourself in return. Remember there is always someone out there who is counting on you to “help and make a difference.”


Keep in the flow.

~Stay Strong~


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